Founder to Farmer: Fulfilling My Passion for Botany


As a business entrepreneur and founder of two companies, I've always been driven to succeed and pursue my passions. After successfully selling my fiduciary and then my payrolling company, The Business Harbour, in Geneva, Switzerland I went back to my young adult passion, botany. Fate played a role in discovering the pristine Caribbean tropical island of Nevis. This led me to start my own organic and sustainable vanilla farm  on Nevis. 

As a farmer, my responsibilities are now geared towards plant husbandry and watching out for weather patterns. While running a vanilla farm is a huge  departure from my previous career in finance,  I still need a lot of planning and careful budgeting to guide me before and after the vanilla beans are brought to market!

For me, “retirement” has never had any appeal. I love what I do, and I'm now in a position to work and nurture a whole new business for the island . I wake up every day excited to see how my plants are growing. It's incredibly fulfilling to see something that I've built from the literally from the ground up thrive and flourish.

I will be excited to share more on this pioneering Vanilla farm very soon!


How Vanilla Changed the Art of Cooking


A Serial Entrepreneur: One Business at a Time