The Vanilla Whisperer of Vanilla Paradise Nevis
Meet Jesse Wiley, the “Plant Whisperer” of Vanilla Paradise Nevis, the first and only organic and sustainable vanilla farm in the Federation of St.Kitts & Nevis.
Roots in Agriculture: A Family Tradition
Jesse Wiley's passion for farming and gardening runs in his blood. His whole family were and are all involved in commercial farming. Jesse has always wished to work around plants and nature and knows that an office job would not suit him!
A New Beginning: Jesse's Journey to Nevis
Jesse came to Nevis with his parents when he was 15 years old. Coming from the desert of New Mexico, USA, the climate and the way things work in Nevis were a challenge.
Jesse went to secondary school in Nevis then attended agricultural science college in Basseterre, before working on a family vineyard in the USA. Returning to Nevis, he worked with the Department of Agriculture, then heard that Gina Empson, the founder of Vanilla Paradise Nevis was recruiting. Expecting a fully-functional farm, Jesse was amazed to see that Gina was starting from scratch.
The Vanilla Sentinel
Jesse's role at Vanilla Paradise Nevis is essential to the success of the farm. His specific tasks include walking through and inspecting the 3 shade houses, monitoring rainfall, managing the irrigation system and electric fencing, laying down the dried coconut husks and mango leaves that are used as organic mulch for the vanilla vines that Jesse expertly plants. All farm activities are recorded through an App, ensuring efficient tracking of completed tasks and pending ones.
Jesse has discovered that growing vanilla is an unique endeavour in the farming world. It’s amazing to think that there are no natural pollinators and this is done by hand. The whole process is slow and labour intensive. The flowers only appear in the spring, when hand-pollination can begin, then there is a long 9 month period for the beans to mature. After harvest, 3 months of drying and curing are needed before we can have the precious vanilla beans and by-products to sell.
Essence of Vanilla Paradise Nevis
Jesse acknowledges that Gina is the heart and driving force of Vanilla Paradise Nevis. Jesse is portrayed by Gina as having a symbiotic relationship with the vanilla vines, he is truly the “Plant Whisperer”; determined, open-minded with a ready laugh. The fact that Gina gave up her old life in Europe to start something completely new resonates with Jesse’s story, leaving the US for a life on Nevis.
Finding Home in the Heart of Nevis
Jesse now calls Nevis home. He marvels at the island's lush greenery and vibrant life. Recognizing the importance of agriculture in the local community, Jesse draws inspiration from the multitude of home gardens and roadside vegetable and fruit stands and feels in tune with the island's farming and production. Everyone is connected with the land and Jesse feels inspired by being part of this community.
Putting Nevis on the Map: The Potential of Vanilla Paradise Nevis
Having never seen a vanilla plant before coming to Vanilla Paradise Nevis, Jesse feels that it is certainly something that will put Nevis on the map. There is a potential for eco-tourism on the island, helping both agriculture and the tourist trade. When Gina tells the story of her inspiration to create a vanilla farm and then finding vanilla plants growing in the wild, it is very inspiring. The farm can encourage eco-tourism on the island.
Cultivating a Lasting Impact
Jesse’s passion for his work can be summed up in this way: to be happily working outside in the scorching sun, knowing that his efforts and energy have been spent on something useful and lasting. To Jesse, humans and plants are interdependent, they give us oxygen and we give them carbon dioxide, but plants have an unpredictability to which he is drawn: humans can water and feed them but the plants may or may not produce!
We thank Jesse for having a passion for his work and for his valuable contribution to Vanilla Paradise Nevis, growing what will eventually be the first vanilla products on Nevis.