Vanilla Paradise Nevis – Organic and Sustainable Vanilla Growing

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Growing Together: Biodiversity Day at Vanilla Paradise Nevis

In 2023, Vanilla Paradise Nevis took a step toward preserving our island’s natural heritage. We proudly participated in International Biodiversity Day by pledging to plant 30 local coconut trees on the very land that had been cleared for our vanilla shade houses. But our commitment didn’t stop there.

Biodiversity Day, May 22nd: A Celebration of Life

On this special day, we join hands with the global community to celebrate the intricate web of life on Earth. Biodiversity—the rich tapestry of species, ecosystems, and genetic diversity—is what keeps our planet thriving. And in 2024, the theme is clear: “Be part of the Plan.” It’s a rallying cry for everyone to step up and reverse the loss of biodiversity by supporting the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, also known as The Biodiversity Plan.

What Is Biodiversity, Anyway?

Think beyond pandas and tigers. Biodiversity encompasses everything: from the tiniest microbes to towering trees. It’s the intricate dance of life—genes evolving, ecosystems interconnecting, and cultures thriving. At Vanilla Paradise Nevis, like all vanilla farms around the world, we feel the loss of the pollinator bees, due to habitat destruction, resource overuse, invasive species, pollution, and climate change, resulting in the hand-pollination of every single vanilla orchid.

Why Biodiversity Matters on Nevis

Picture our island: sun-kissed beaches, lush rainforests, and a vibrant culture. Biodiversity is the heartbeat of Nevis. Here’s why it matters:

1. Economic Vitality: Biodiversity fuels our economy. It supports tourism, agriculture, and fisheries—drawing visitors and providing essential resources. When tourists explore our diverse landscapes, they’re not just sightseeing; they’re investing in our future.

2. Cultural Roots: Biodiversity isn’t just about species; it’s woven into traditions and spiritual beliefs. The island’s ancestors revered the land, the creatures, and the rhythms of nature. By preserving biodiversity, we honour cultural heritage and attract curious travelers seeking authenticity.

3. Nature’s Balance: Nevis is a delicate ecosystem. Every resource we take out must be replenished. That’s why we recycle coconut husks and dried mango leaves as mulch for our precious vanilla vines and use sustainable wood from the nearby Nevis Peak forest for the poles up which the orchids grow.

4. Clean Water, No Pesticides: Our commitment runs deep. We refuse pesticides, safeguarding our water supply from pollution. Clean water nourishes our vanilla orchids, which we hope will yield the best, most natural vanilla Nevis has to offer.

Our Young Trees Thrive

Fast-forward one year. Our 30 coconut trees have flourished. Their roots dig into Nevisian soil, their palm fronds reaching for the sky. We’ve documented their journey in a short video—a testament to growth, resilience, and our promise to biodiversity. Take a look at the video-diary of our coconut trees!

How Can You Be Part of the Plan

You don’t need a vast farm or a tropical island. Start small: plant a seed, nurture a garden, or create a window-box oasis. Bees, butterflies, and countless other creatures will thank you, and you may even have a tasty crop for dinner! Let’s weave our stories together, celebrating biodiversity—one coconut tree, one blooming flower at a time.

How will you be part of the plan? Share your ideas in the comments below!

Read about our 2023 committment here, and our young coconut trees’ progress here.